नेपाल लाइफको समतालाई १० लाख सहयोग
3 December 2024
नेपाल लाइफ इन्स्योरेन्स कम्पनी लिमिटेडले संस्थागत सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत

जोखिम लिने व्यवसायमा जोखिम मूल्याङ्कनको जिम्मेवारी सम्हाल्छिन् सुलक्षणा
13 June 2023
आफ्नो नाम जस्तै कोमल, मृदुभाषी सुलक्षणा दैनिक रुपमा जीवन बीमाको जोखिम लिने वा नलिने निणर्य गर्

नेपाल लाइफ इन्स्योरेन्सको नाफामा २३७.२९% को उछाल
5 February 2023
नेपालकै सर्वाधिक विश्वासिलो जीवन बीमा कम्पनी नेपाल लाइफले चालु आ.वको दोस्रो त्रैमासमा उल्लेख

नेपाल लाइफद्वारा ५४.७६ अर्व दावी भुक्तानी
17 November 2022
नेपालको सर्वाधिक विश्वासिलो नेपाल लाइफ इन्स्योरेन्स कम्पनीले ५४.७६ अर्व दावी भुक्तानी गरेको

Nepal Life's awareness video on the epidemic made public
23 May 2021
Nepal Life Insurance Company has released a touching awareness video on the current epidemic. ‘Be careful! This is a music video with the message 'Let's fight this war against Corona at home'.

Nepal Life launches "Naulo Surakshit Jeewan Beema Yojana"
15 May 2021
Nepal Life Insurance Company has introduced a 'Naulo Surakshit Jeewan Beema Yojana’ life insurance after the widespread success of Surakshit Jeewan Beema Yojana.

Nepal Life's 21st Anniversary
4 May 2021
Nepal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. celebrates its 21 years of operations

Nepal Life honors individuals eligible for MDRT 2021
19 March 2021
Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited has honored the successful agents to become MDRT. A total of 267 agents were honored at a program organized at Hyatt Hotel in Kathmandu.
The company has said that it has honored its agents who are eligible to par