Nepal Life Insurance Company expands its services at Dolpa Dunai
Nepal Life Insurance Company has brought into operation its latest branch at Dunai of Dolpa which was inaugurated by chairman of Beema Samiti Mr. Chiranjibi Chapagain amid a program. The event was also attended by CEO of the company Mr. Bibek Jha who along with chairman Mr. Chapagain highlighted the necessity of expanding insurance coverage at rural part of the nation.
The insurance company currently has the highest paid up value of Rs 5.50 arba, total investment of Rs 77.54 arba, life insurance fund of Rs 72.24 arba, shareholders fund Rs 8.57 arba, raised insurance premium of Rs 7.90 arba by the end of first quarter of FY 2076-77.
The leading company currently provides its services from its 193 branches and sub-branches spread all across the nation.