Product Launch Date: 20/09/2006
Considering the tensions and uncertainties of modern life, it becomes necessary for a person to provide adequate life insurance security for his/her family. If the incident happened with the breadwinner, life style as well dream of the family are shattered .The earning capacity of a person makes his life very valuable for this dependents. For this reason company has launched Jeevan Laxmi plan . This plan is the Triple Benefit Endowment Plan with Bonus payable on the following terms:
- Entry Age: 18 years to 50 yrs
- Policy Term: 7 to 25 years
- MaximumAge at Maturity: 60 years
- Sum Assured: Minimum 5,000 to Maximum 1,00,000
- Premium Payment Mode: Daily , Fortnightly , Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly
- Policy loan shall be available after the policy acquires paid-up/surrender value. Policy Loan shall be a maximum of 90% of the surrender value.
Special Features:
- Basic Sum Assured with bonus payable on maturity .
- Two times of Basic Sum Assured with earned bonus payable on normal death under inforce policy within policy term.
- Three times of Basic Sum Assured with earned bonus payable in case of accidental death under inforce policy within policy term.
Optional Benefits (Rider Benefits):
Critical Illness Benefit:
This is a Rider benefit . If the life assured is diagnosed with specific illness defined under this plan during the policy term, lump sum amount equal to basic sum assured or maximum up to Rs. 50,00,000 will be paid to the insured. Undermentioned conditions should be followed to have Critical Illness ;
Entry age: Minimum 18, Maximum : 65, Policy maturity age: 70, Coverage: Minimum Rs.50, 000 ,Maximum : Rs. 50,00,000 , Policy Term : Minimum 5 Years to Maximum 20 years .